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Hello my name Yowanda Erlangga, commonly called Yoan or Yo. I am a student of the Faculty of Marine Science at a university in Aceh. I was born in the town of Sabang. I have been a blogger since 2010 while sitting in class 2 high school. My introduction to the world of bloggers began with curiosity about the website. From initially just a fad, Alhamdulillah now I can get revenue through blogger. My expertise is not much, just be tinkering with blogger templates CSS or often called Web Designer and SEO.

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About made ​​first on October 18, 2013 under the name typepedia and still use a subdomain blogger. Initially (formerly contains content that discusses the tutorial blogger. Then began discussing the film category, unique, science and technology, Rumors are happening in the world, history, and also some of the best tourist destinations in the world. On May 25, 2015, Typepedia changed its name to Tapike itself is a combination of two syllables derived from Aceh which means "We Thought" or "Kita Pikir".

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