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Monday, December 7, 2015

Benefits Of Tea To Hair

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Benefits Of Tea To Nourish Hair
Benefits Of Tea To Hair - Who would have thought that tea is a very large casserole for healthy hair, maybe a lot of people are still hesitant to it, including me before. My first doubt about this, lha wong kok stale tea used for hair care, inikan even make damaged hair and the smell of my thought at the time. It turns my mind that time does not have a point at all, and indeed it is efficacious once stale tea. According to a hair expert from Korea stale tea contains many properties, especially green tea contains compounds that stimulate hair growth EGGG.

Tea Benefits For Hair

Stale tea benefits for the hair is obtained not by drinking it, it was only made of disease due to the oxidation process in the tea. Its use is to soak the tea with warm water and then allowed to stand for 1 day the place open. This is done so that the water that condenses tea silenced only when it is enough to use the tea water before / after bathing or shampooing by way dribbled slowly and evenly throughout the hair. After wrapping all parts of the hair using a towel / hair cover to keep hair moist until the half-hour interval, the goal is the tea water can be completely absorbed by all parts of the hair and not wasted by useless. After over half an hour rinse the hair with clean water. According to research from the University of Maryland Medical Center, green tea has compounds that can help nourish hair and hair healthy. These compounds are called EGGG that in addition to having good properties for the hair turned out also functions to keep skin clear and healthy.

Tea Benefits for Hair Loss

To obtain good results, I suggest you use stale tea water derived from green tea. Water green tea has properties to reduce the production of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which is the main cause of hair loss in a person. A study conducted by scientists at Korea stated that EGGG compounds in green tea increases the activity of dermal papillae which is the most important part of the hair that are not easily fall out. These compounds are also actively stimulate hair growth by increasing the body's metabolism. Metabolism very big influence on hair growth, high metabolic rate will stimulate hair growth faster and healthier. Green tea also contains antiseptic ingredients that are useful to remove dead skin cells along with dirt that may block the head of hair follicles. Hair follicles that are blocked to make any blockages that lead to difficult hair to grow back. If this is not resolved soon then not only the problem of hair loss that can be experienced, but also baldness.

Tea Benefits for Gray Hair

Gray hair is indeed very disturbing appearance of most of Indonesian people, even some people willing to paint his white hair using hair dye that contains dangerous chemicals that are not recommended by a doctor. Gray hair usually occurs due to a lack of nutrients the hair so that the color pigments (black for the people of Indonesia) is lost. Stale tea water derived from green tea can overcome this problem, at least for those who have not been evenly distributed his gray, this method can help you overcome these problems. Green tea has compounds that have a property to balance the pH levels in the scalp and control the production of oil. PH levels and a balanced oil reduces the likelihood of gray in your hair. Another important content of which is owned by the water from the stale tea is green tea polyphenols, vitamin C and vitamin E. Third stretcher content helps you get the hair healthy and shiny, this is of course to restore your hair previously damaged/gray and gray reduces the increase in your head because of exposure to sunlight containing ultraviolet radiation (UV).

From some of the benefits above the water actually stale tea also has benefits for skin health and help you reduce acne upfront, this is because compounds such as EGGG, Polyphenols, Vitamin C and Vitamin E contained in the stale tea. So, do not rush to dump tea that has been used, there are other properties that can be utilized for the health of hair and body.